Additional resources for studying Joe Orton and Edna Welthorpe
Discover more about playwright Joe Orton, his work, and interviews with actors, directors and writers who are inspired by him.
Joe Orton, Edna Welthorpe, Play, playwright, Leicester, Letters, Entertaining Mr Sloane, letters, teacher resources, links
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More About Joe Orton

Find out more about Joe Orton, his work and influence:


Christopher Bigsby, Joe Orton (Routledge, 1982).


Maurice Charney, Joe Orton (Macmillan, 1984).


Ilsa Colsell, Malicious Damage: The Defaced Library Books of Kenneth Halliwell and Joe Orton (Donlon Books, 2013).


Francesca Coppa ed., Joe Orton: A Casebook (Routledge, 2002).


John Lahr, Prick Up Your Ears: The Biography of Joe Orton (Methuen, 1978).


John Lahr ed., The Orton Diaries (Methuen, 1986).


John Lahr ed., Joe Orton: The Complete Plays (Methuen, 1976).


Leonie Orton, I Had It In Me: A Memoir (Quirky Press, 2016).


Susan Rusinko, Joe Orton (Twayne, 1995).


Simon Shepherd, Because We’re Queers: The Life and Crimes of Kenneth Halliwell and Joe Orton (Gay Men’s Press, 1989).


Ben Thompson ed., Ban This Filth! Letters from the Mary Whitehouse Archive (Faber, 2001)

More Prank Letters

Robin Cooper, The Timewaster Letters (Michael O’Mara, 2005).


William Donaldson, The Henry Root Letters (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980).


Ted L. Nancy, Letters from a Nut, Introduced by Jerry Seinfeld (Avon, 1997).


To find out more about Joe Orton:


To find out about the Joe Orton Collection, University of Leicester click here


To find out more about the redesigned book covers click here 


Watch interviews with actors, directors and writers who worked with or are inspired by Orton:

Actor Alec Baldwin


Actor Kenneth Cranham


Director Nick Bagnall


Writer Jake Arnott


Actor Dudley Sutton


Director Braham Murray


Actor Michael Elwyn


Actor Frances Barber


Actor & Comedian Graham Fellows